Full Specifications
- Release
- Latest update
- Version
- 0
- Platform
- Windows
- Operating System
- Windows XP
- Windows 98
- Windows 2000
- Windows ME
- Windows 10
- Additional Requirements
- None
- Total Downloads
- 929,062
- Downloads Last Week
- 9
Program available in other languages
- Descargar Doom 3 demo
Last Updated
- PalworldPaid
- Avast Free AntivirusFree
- CCleanerFree
- AVG AntiVirus FreeFree
- 3uToolsFree
- SquadPaid
- PUBG MobileFree
- CapCutFree
- 4K YouTube to MP3Trial version
- TikTokFree
- Driver BoosterFree
- HandBrakeFree
User Reviews
118 User Votes
Error on install/ Adware
- Pros
- Only Pro was that Download was fast
- Cons
- If one does not select an add on during install error is created.Adware was installed to Registry which was hard to detect and causedsystem slow down even after installer removed.
- Summary
Exiting, fun, graphics are realistic.
- Pros
- It anticipates gameplay and fps mentality. It's a blast as an fps on my pc.
- Cons
- A few places in it I wish I could fast forward through the narative. After the first few times I wish I could skip those places.
- Summary
- After I began to play it I realizsed the hype was well founded. It certainly makes one wonder how good the next games will be. It was hyped as a real improvement in video gameplay and it delivers.
Works in Windows XP...........Dies on install in 7
- Pros
- Its a really really great game (of course its the doom series) and its fine in Windows XP but I, cant get it work on my new Windows 7 system.
- Cons
- See above, but fist let me enter at least 10 characters!
- Summary
- Its a GREAT Game! The Doom series is always great and pushing things foward in game play but its also 7 years old now and while it works in XP and Vista I, can't get it to work in Windows7
it wouldn't . The company had nothing to say as to why
- Pros
- none- it wouldn't run. even after downloading it twice. Maybe it's because me new pc is 64 bits.
- Cons
- none----it wouldn't run even after I downloaded it twice
- Summary
A fun game, especially to newcomers of survival horror.
- Pros
- Great graphics and fear-factor. You'll be glad you brought a flashlight.Big guns :D (What more do you want than big guns in a monster-filled research base millions of miles from Earth?)
- Cons
- After a while, you expect monsters and other hellish things to be right behind that door that says 'Armory' or "Medical" when you most need help.
- Summary
- At first, DOOM 3 seems like just another every-once-in-a-while-you'll-jump kind of game. But as you walk through the dark, forboding halls of the Mars research base, you realize DOOM 3's more than that. Workmen give you suspicious stares and bits of a strange story then go back to their work, silent. You're given the order to find a missing scientist in an old section of the base, and as soon as you find him, well, I wouldn't like to spoil the game for you, would I? Though after a while, you start to get paranoid. Should you pick up that PDA and see if a demon throws a fireball at you from around the corner? Besides, who has time to read when all Hell is breaking loose(Literally)? Though if you're that kind of person who loves to search out and find every last little tidbit, the PDA's are for you. Though I would recommend only picking them up after clearing the area, and not having to worry about being mauled while listening to an audio recording. All things cconsidered, DOOM 3 is a great game. You'll no doubt be paranoid by the end of the game, shining your flashlight around every corner, looking for that last creature that's waiting in the dark.
the best ever
- Pros
- the very minute i started playing the demo i was hooked now im going to get the full game
- Cons
- none watsoever
- Summary
Been with Doom since the start, BUT!!!!!
- Pros
- Smooth AI for what it is, decent gameplay. Definitely more "scary" moments than previous doom releases. Nice addition of spiders and many other new aliens/monsters to deal with. Relatively intriguing gameplay.
- Cons
- I don't like having to pick junk up and read it all the time when you think that a demon is looming around the corning to kill you the moment you reach for that little video recorder. The story-telling from the characters in these devices takes up way too much time in the game and leads to some disappointment. Quake 4 had a much better single-player storyline, not to mention better use of the "Doom 3" graphics and gameplay engine. At one point in Doom 3, I was ready to nod off while playing expecting to turn a sharp corner and find my mom getting boned by a demon or something... screwy gameplay.
- Summary
I'd love to give it 5 stars, but...
- Pros
- Cons
- No joystick support. Personally, I can play this type of game better with a joystick.
- Summary
It makes me jump.
- Pros
- Cons
- Summary
Sends shivers up the spine after every 30 seconds!!!
- Pros
- Cons
- Summary
Developer’s Description
By Activision